Sunday, July 26, 2009

RSS Feeder maybe technology isn't so hard after all!!!

I was sitting in our lecture last week as everyone was talking about this thing called rss??? I sat there quietly and thought to myself what is rss and why do we need it.

I now feel a whole lot better about this rss 'thing' because i know what it stands for and I actually now realise that it is really useful.

Used to monitor other peoples blogs, it means that I don't have to endlessly search through my followers pages to see if anything new has been posted. Instead I can just visit my reader (which is google reader) and the job is done for me. It is then up to me to choose what i would like to or like not view.

How much easier and less time consuming is that!!! I am beginning realise that all of these technology tools aren't so scary after all and people have done the hard work for us! Yay

Thanks Alice

1 comment:

  1. YAH! A successful lecture for us both as we both found out the information we needed to know. Rissa.
